32nd Economic Forum
5.9.2023 - 7.9.2023 | Polsko - Karpacz
32. ročník Ekonomického fóra proběhne v Polsku ve městě Karpacz 5.-7. září 2023. Letošní konference nese název “New Values for the Old Continent – Europe on the Threshold of Change”.
Jan Fousek bude jedním z řečníků v diskuzním panelu na téma „Can We Afford Not to Go Green?“ Co bude tento panel obsahovat si můžete přečíst níže:
Can We Afford Not to Go Green?
When talking about a green future, we cannot overlook the European Green Deal. Taking care of the environment is an extremely important issue today, while geopolitical events in the region and the world raise the question of whether the EU will be able to keep up with this ambitious project in an unfavourable economic situation. The hard implementation of such ideas requires a lot of sacrifice and the question is whether all countries are prepared to bear the high costs involved and whether decision-makers are willing to risk the potential voters‘ dissatisfaction in case of worsening quality of citizens‘ lives. If we assume that the EU will live up to its commitments under the Green Deal, an important question will be what means of pressure does the EU have at its disposal to force other non-European states to also take care of the common planet? Can we afford not to develop energy based on renewable sources? What should we do to tackle the climate crisis?
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