Organization address:
Střelice 864, 664 47 Střelice
Střelice 864, 664 47 Střelice
#Battery Operator (BESS)
#Battery supplier / manufacturer
#Electricity producer
Česká spořitelna
Organization address:
Budějovická 1518/13b, 140 00 Prague 4
Budějovická 1518/13b, 140 00 Prague 4
#Focus outside the energy sector
České vysoké učení technické v Praze – Fakulta elektrotechnická
Organization address:
Technická 2, 166 27 Praha
Technická 2, 166 27 Praha
Contact person:
Ondřej Mamula
Ondřej Mamula
#Consulting company
#Educational institutions
Československá obchodní banka
Organization address:
Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Prague 5
Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Prague 5
Contact person:
Jan Troják
Jan Troják
Chint Solar Poland
Organization address:
Józefa Piusa Dziekońskiego 1 Street, 00 728 Warsaw
Józefa Piusa Dziekońskiego 1 Street, 00 728 Warsaw
Contact person:
Jason Zhou Xinhao
Jason Zhou Xinhao
Organization address:
U Uranie 1612/14a, 170 00 Prague
U Uranie 1612/14a, 170 00 Prague
Contact person:
Michal Vrubel
Michal Vrubel
#Software and BMS/EMS supplier
Corsica Sole
Organization address:
59 Rue pernety, 750 14 Paris
59 Rue pernety, 750 14 Paris
Contact person:
Thomas Bonnaud
Thomas Bonnaud
#Battery Operator (BESS)
#Developer of energy projects
#Electricity producer
Organization address:
V Šáreckém údolí 764/1, Dejvice, 160 00 Praha 6
V Šáreckém údolí 764/1, Dejvice, 160 00 Praha 6
#Consulting company
#Developer energetických projektů
#Developer of energy projects
#Electricity producer
Delta Capacity
Organization address:
Rybná 14, 110 00 Prague 1
Rybná 14, 110 00 Prague 1
Contact person:
Patrik Hes
Patrik Hes
#Battery supplier / manufacturer
#Developer of energy projects