28.6.2023 | Online
Aggregation of flexibility is still a relatively new topic in the Czech Republic, but it is already being talked about a lot. At the same time, many new flexibility aggregators are emerging on the market, and the topic – together with energy storage – is crucial for the safe development of RES. That is why we decided to dedicate an entire volume of AKUCAST to this topic. Our guests are Petr Klimeš, responsible for energy purchasing at E.ON Energie, and Petr Řeháček, director of the Association of Flexibility Aggregators and Providers (SAF) , which was recently established under the AKU-BAT association.
Today, we talked with both gentlemen not only about flexibility aggregators, but we also discussed the lack of an independent aggregator in the legislation and looked at how the Czech aggregation market actually looks today.
You can listen to the whole podcast on our YouTube channel or Spotify.